TEL: 01525 841817

Sites Wanted

Contact GCC Development if you are considering a development of your own or have some land in the Herts, Beds and Bucks area that you would like to sell.

We have a strong team that are experienced in dealing with complex planning applications and we would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you the possibilities with your property.

Once an initial viability assessment has been carried out we would normally make a conditional offer on your property or for the part of your property that we feel has development opportunities. If this is acceptable we would enter into a contract for an agreed purchase price then exchange contracts with an agreement to complete in a reasonable amount of time once a suitable planning approval has been gained.

GCC Developments would cover all of the cost at our risk for the planning application. This can be considerable. Our last application for the conversion of a set of Listed Barns into eight units in South Cambridgeshire cost £60,000 to put together. If the planning application is not approved and it is agreed that it is not viable to go to appeal then the contract would be cancelled.

We're a well funded Company with the ability to purchase sites without the requirement of bank borrowing.

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© 2016 GCC Developments
website development BMM
Website terms of use
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© 2016 GCC Developments
website development BMM